Diabetes consultation by a Certified Diabetes Educator

A Certified Diabetes Educator ( CDE®) is a health care professional who is specialized and certified to teach people, with diabetes or borderline diabetes, how to manage their condition.

Our qualified Pharmacist CDE® can work with you, your family and other healthcare providers in your circle of care to provide individualized diabetes management services. As an on-going service our ultimate goal is optimizing care and health outcomes by empowering and motivating our patients with self management of their diabetes.

Some of the things we can do:
  • discussion of how to accurately take blood glucose readings and interpretation
  • medication management of oral and insulin therapy
  • coach you on how to inject insulin safely and adjust dosing based on glucose readings
  • discuss prevention of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
  • provide foot care advice
  • dietary advice specific to your needs
  • discussion of physical activity requirements and practical tips
  • advice on prevention and management of long term complications associated with diabetes, and much more!